Monday, December 3, 2007

Sermons on line

Among Christians, the internet is a mixed bag. For older Christians, it is frequently seen as a thing to stay away from, much like a porn shop. For a younger Christian, it can seem like a candy store, with everything you could possible want available for the looking.

I see it as a tool, one with potential to be used for either good or bad. I've found some wonderful Christian blogs and some really valuable study tools. is a site that is a tool. Many of the semons on there I would never recommend to anyone, nor would I listen to them more than once. For some preachers, I won't even listen a first time.

But there are some real gems on that site as well. For some really wonderful sermons that make me long for some strong Godly men to rise up in my town and state and country, go to and listen to sermons by the following men;

Leonard Ravenhill
A.W. Tozer
Paris Reidhead
C.H. Sprugeon (I believe these are readings)
A.W. Pink (I believe these are readings)

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